A Catalyzing Collaborator.
I have a passion for helping others see what they cannot see, hearing what they cannot hear and assisting in the creation of ideas into tangible outcomes.
About Dave Levine
I started my career with a psychology degree from Wesleyan University because I wanted to help people live better. Yet, I worked better clarifying ideas into tangible outcomes rather than doing traditional talk therapy or research. So I went into the field of communications and specialized in design and branding. Working with people for 25 years as a creative, an organizational leader and a consultant, my role has been supporting business leaders in clarifying the purpose, meaning and contribution of their work, then leading teams in building communications that connect deeply with people’s emotions. My job was uncovering authenticity in other people’s work and then sharing that with the world.
I was good at it but also unfulfilled. I wanted to connect with my personal authenticity, My quest was vast and nonlinear. I designed and self-built a modern sustainable, solar, strawbale house that even custom builders complimented. I became a certificated mediator through the University of New Mexico Law School. I trained with teachers in spiritual and intuitive practices then actively explored the dynamic interplay of intellect and intuition in learning to hunt elk and deer with a bow and arrow. I spent years exploring how our thoughts, what’s going on between our ears, shapes our relationships with others including ourselves.
In 2019, my quest for personal purpose and career path collided while I attended the 10-month long Roaring Fork Leadership Academy program. Decades of helping others clarify purpose and communicating effectively to align people combined with decades of personal growth work and self-exploration unveiled a framework for extremely powerful leadership. Leadership that is authentic, relational and highly productive because it inspires others to greatness rather than limiting them.
I coach and lead workshops for people and teams at the intersection of leadership, management, communications, self-awareness and organizational and personal clarity. It’s influenced and guided by the research and teachings of people like Steven Covey, Brené Brown, Simon Sinek, Oprah and Michael Neill. Its purpose is to help individuals, leaders, teams and organizations connect with their unique authenticity then to live and lead from that grounded integrity.
Wilderness is my muse. nature my canvas for exploration.
I live with my family on one of the last free-flowing American rivers.
Bald eagles, great blue herons and kingfishers frequently fly overhead, reminding me to see the big picture. Local deer, elk and trout intimately connect me to my interdependence to the earth and her gifts.
Bear and mountain lions live here, too, reminding me that I am one small, humble part of nature’s great collective.
Let's Connect
Have a question for Dave? Need technical support with your account, a download or course? Want to explore what working together would look like? Drop me an email or call me at 303.324.1078.